
Atopic Eczema

For the diagnosis and treatment of atopic eczema, the most important will be an extensive medical history for every patient. The personality and individual circumstances of the patients allergies and any other illnesses must be evaluated, including the history of former treatments.

Patients suffer from a huge variety of symptoms like allergic rhinitis, contact allergies or skin infections. We routinely test the patients for allergies and perform blood tests to rectify the condition. Moreover we explore any psychological influences that can affect the patient. Any further treatment of the skin disease is combined to his lifestyle


Psoriasis is a benign and frequent skin disease with unknown origin. It has a hereditary influence and is not contagious but can appear in various types. Sometimes only very small amounts of the skin are affected, but very severe types are also seen. This can cause severe damage, especially if the joints are affected.

First we treat the often large scabs on top of the psoriatic patches with salicylic acid to facilitate further treatment. Then we treat the lesions with several substances including Calcipotriol, Tazarotene or tar. In severe cases, the treatment is combined with oral medication.

In severe cases, the treatment is combined with oral medication.

The climate of the Canary Islands is ideal for Psoriasis patients, however we can boost the effect of sunlight and seawater with our treatments.

Hair Loss

After a full medical history and examination, we may then start the search for the causes of the hair loss, which is important for the further diagnostic procedures. A full diagnosis depends on extensive examination of the blood, skin and hair.

In most cases, we are able to find the reason for hair loss in infections or malnutrition.

Furthermore, we offer the full spectrum of up to date treatment options.


Damaged or infected nails may affect your general health and daily life. Possible reasons for damaged nails are numerous. Not only fungal infection, but also malnutrition like the lack of biotine or iron are common. Also eczema of the hands or feet may affect the nails and include skin diseases like psoriasis or immunological disorders.

 In-growing nails are treated either with surgery or the „phenol method“. With the phenol-method, the toe is anaesthetised and surgically treated, afterwards, the in-growing part is deactivated with the application of phenol. This method is relatively painless and will leave the patient with the best possible results.

Pediatric Dermatology

Especially in children, skin diseases are a frequent problem. Not only the common skin diseases, but also bacterial and viral infections play an important role and are difficult to diagnose and to treat. Moreover, hereditary diseases like atopic eczema or genetic skin diseases may cause problems for all the family. Also the frequent appearance of food-allergy, rhinitis or asthma in children are a special interest in our surgery.

Skin Cancer Screening

The sun in the Canary Islands is surely our biggest luxury.

Nevertheless, the intensity of the sunlight can be considered dangerous for our skin. Due to this climate, „white“ skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma or spinal cell carcinoma) or even „black“ skin cancer (malignant melanoma) on sun exposed skin is very common. In the Canaries, we also find pre cancerous lesions like actinic keratoses in exposed parts of the body.

We offer you a complete screening of your body with a consultant trained in dermatological oncology. Suspect moles are examined with the dermatoscope and documented by photography if necessary. In case of suspected skin cancer, the lesion is excised and sent for biopsy.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Due to our specialisation, we are able to treat sexually transmitted diseases with all due respect and confidentiality.

We offer you the whole spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic treatments.

You can rely upon our discretion.