Aesthetic Dermatology

Fillers/Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a natural chemical in our body. For example, the substance is found in our joints or our skin, where it guarantees volume and elasticity. Due to aging, our skin not only loses collagen and elastic fibres, it also loses hyaluronic acid. The appearance of wrinkles is the result of this loss. With the injection of hyaluronic acid in the skin, it will regain volume and elasticity and when the substance is injected directly underneath the wrinkle, its depth is vastly decreased.

The origin of the substances we use for this kind of treatments is non-animal and consequently there is no risk of infections or allergies. The treatment takes about 20 to 30 minutes and is either performed with anaesthetic creams or local anaesthetic. The effect of this type of treatment with hyaluronic acid is long lasting, however not permanent. Due to sunlight or stress and immunologic reactions, a new treatment may well be indicated after 6-8 months. For the different treatment types, we offer a wide range of new products.

The treatment is recommended for the following areas:

– Horizontal and vertical lines of the front

– Crows feet

– Nasolabial fold

– Marionette lines

– Upper lip lines

– Enhancing of the lip or jaw-bones

– Mesotherapy

Calcium Hydroxyapatite/Radiesse

Also Radiesse is an absorbable, injectable material, designed for the treatment of deep and superficial wrinkles. Similar to hyaluronic acid, it is injected directly underneath the wrinkle. The effect of this treatment is more prolonged than the effect of hyaluronic acid and will be effective up to 1,5 years. Radiesse is injected relatively deep, therefore we routinely treat the patients with local anaesthetics.

Regions to be treated:

– Nasolabial folds

– Marionette lines

– Scars

Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

Botulinum Toxin A is a substance, which is approved for many treatments and is used for a distinct inactivation of muscles. Normally the substance is used for several disorders like torticollis or blepharospasms which are caused by too much tension of the muscle. In aesthetic medicine, it is used for expression wrinkles in the upper region of the face. Botulinum Toxin is injected into the muscle which is located directly underneath the wrinkle to prevent its movement, so that the wrinkle will disappear and lead to a visible improvement and renovation of the whole face.

The effect appears after several days and will continue from 4 to 8 months, depending on the patient who is treated. A reapplication of the treated areas can be performed as often as indicated.

Areas which are suitable for a treatment:

– Horizontal or vertical lines of the forehead

– Craws-feet

– Chin

– Deep wrinkles of the glabella Chemical brow-lift

– Combination treatments with fillers like hyaluronic acid or others

Lifting with thread technique

The treatment with absorbable sutures has revolutionized aesthetic medicine in recent years.
Threads made of PDO, polydioxanone are available in various thicknesses and are used on the
face and body to tighten tissue and lift facial areas. The fully absorbable material stimulates the
formation of new collagen in the process of dissolution which has a lasting effect. The latest
generation, especially of strong threads for lifting facial areas, is placed under the skin with
needles that do not harm the tissue, so almost no bruising occurs and the treatment can be
carried out painlessly.


Mesotherapy is a therapeutic option, which was originally invented in France for the treatment of several diseases and which is now very popular again in aesthetic medicine. During this treatment, small amounts of therapeutic substances are injected in the skin with a special needle in defined distances in the upper layer of the skin. Therefore the substance is divided equally in the treated region. The treatment is performed over several visits fortnightly until completed. Afterwards, the treatment is refreshed every 4-6 months. The therapeutic substances are combined, following the therapeutic needs. We often use vitamins, hyaluronic acid, fatburners or other medicaments, which encourage the growth of collagen.


The following areas can be treated:


– Face and decolletage: Improvement of the texture and appearance of the skin, reduction of wrinkles, improvement of the elasticity and renovation.


– Cellulitis: Treatment of the orange peel effect in the area of the bottom and upper legs.


Post natal stretch marks

Plasma rich in platelets (PRP)

A method that we also use very frequently is PRP, the injection of plasma rich in platelets.
Blood is taken from the patient, the plasma is separated from red blood cells, and centrifuged
so that platelets and their growth factors are present in concentrated form. Afterwars these
endogenous substances are inyected to the areas which are to be treated. Here we achieve an
important rejuvenation and improvement of the structure of the skin.

Prolonged Sweating

Another indication for Botulinum Toxin A is used in the treatment of prolonged and strong sweating in the axillar region and the region of the hands and feet. With the injection of Botulinum Toxin A the sweat glands are inactivated and „dried out“. This rapid and relatively painless treatment means a big relief for the patients in their daily and public life. The effect is relatively long lasting (up to 12 months) and can always be redone.